Walbec Group

About Us


We are responsible for protecting the environment by working safely, sustainably, and ethically. As environmental stewards, we are focused on maximizing opportunities to re-purpose, reuse, and recycle materials, all while minimizing our carbon footprint. Our commitment extends beyond just checking the box as we strive to be an industry leader in sustainability through new products, programs, and practices.

Recycled Asphalt Pavements

Walbec has been recycling asphalt pavements into new products for decades, and we continue to increase the amount of Recycled Asphalt Pavements (RAP) we put into pavements. Asphalt pavements are 100% recyclable.

  • Asphalt pavement is one of the most recycled products in America
  • Recycled asphalt pavement is a one-to-one replacement of raw materials
  • Recycling asphalt pavements saves landfill space

Recycled Asphalt Shingles

Walbec does not limit our recycling efforts to RAP. We are doing our part to stop the waste of products that can be recycled. Products recycled from other industries and incorporated into new asphalt pavements include asphalt shingles, tires, glass, and foundry sand. Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS) are an environmentally sensitive, economically viable, and recyclable product.

  • 10 million tons of waste shingles are produced each year in the United States
  • 9.5 million tons (95%) of this waste goes into landfills
  • Recycling asphalt shingles reduces the demand for asphalt cement
  • Using RAS lowers construction costs
  • Recycling asphalt shingles saves landfill space

Recycled Oil

Reuse is not limited to the material in our pavements. The process of mixing asphalt requires the drying of the aggregate before it is mixed with asphalt cement. Most of our asphalt plants use recycled oil as a fuel source for heat generation.

  • Recycling used oil reduces petroleum demand
  • It is 100% recycled material
  • Recycling used oil reduces the need for oil disposal

Porous Pavements

Porous asphalt is a durable, load-bearing, permeable pavement that allows water to move through void spaces within the pavement into the crushed stone base beneath. Surface rainwater can then be stored and infiltrated into the underlying soils slowly. Many local governments have enacted regulations limiting impervious surfaces and imposing minimum on-site stormwater detention capacity. LEED® credits may also be obtained for using porous pavements.

  • Reduce peak runoff rates and need for retention basins
  • Trap suspended solids and pollutants
  • Reduce the heat island effect
  • Reduce costs for storm drains and piping
  • Satisfy local green infrastructure requirements
  • Aids in the melting and thawing of ice and snow
  • Reduce migration of road salts into waterways
  • Increase pervious areas and groundwater recharge

Reusing the Rubble

Rubblization is a sustainable pavement reconstruction technique. Failing concrete pavement is left in place, rubblized (fractured), and used as the base for a new asphalt pavement.

  • Rubblization decreases construction time
  • Rubblization reduces the need for new base material
  • It also eliminates the trucking of new base material
  • Recycle concrete in place
  • Saves time and money

The Walbec Group Environmental Policy

We are committed to protecting our shared resources and the environment through various initiatives.

  • We maximize opportunities to re-purpose, reuse, and recycle materials while minimizing our carbon footprint. We promote the efficient use of natural resources, including raw materials, energy, and water.
  • We protect the health and safety of our team members, surrounding communities, and ecosystems.
  • We ensure that all team members are aware of environmental policies and trained to act responsibly and sustainably.
  • We consistently review our environmental performance and strive for continuous improvement.
  • We safeguard the environment by meeting or exceeding all applicable environmental regulations.

As a part of the ENERGY STAR® Challenge for Industry, Walbec has taken the global call-to-action for industrial sites to reduce their energy intensity by 10 percent within five years. This not only saves money but protects the environment through the adoption of energy-efficient products and practices.

Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council’s Green Master’s Program Participant

Since 2016, the Walbec Group has partnered with the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council as a Green Master’s program participant. The program provides Walbec Group with the resources to develop sustainable initiatives while benchmarking our efforts against other companies.


Porous Asphalt Pavements


Environmental Sustainability
