Walbec Group


Zenith Tech Apprentice Robert Forrest Featured in Local Careers Publication

STUFF Designed, Made, and Built in Wisconsin, a publication from BizTimesMedia, showcases career possibilities in manufacturing and construction and is an excellent resource for students, parents, educators, and job seekers.

The Spring 2022 edition of STUFF features a Walbec company profile and a closer look at a typical day for Robert Forrest, a Zenith Tech third-year carpenter apprentice. Although there is rarely a typical day in construction, Robert's detailed description of his trade invites students, parents, and teachers into what a career in the trades can offer.

Through participation in the TrANS Roadbuilding Training Program at WRTP | BIG STEP, an intensive road construction preparation program, Robert was able to earn as he learned. His goal was to build a strong foundation for a career in construction without incurring debt. This is a considerable benefit of apprenticeship. Robert now has the skills required to launch a fulfilling and rewarding career that offers him the financial freedom he desired.

Best Part of Being a Carpenter Apprenticeship


  • Arrive early for crew huddles to discuss the plan for the day and any safety precautions.
  • Build and assemble both wood and steel forms in the field, construct other support features of bridges, and sometimes help pour concrete.
  • Once the concrete has been poured and set, carpenters strip falsework and forms.

Hear from Robert himself as he tells us what he enjoys most about the work he does with Zenith Tech and share this opportunity with someone you know who would excel in a career in the trades.


Robert Forrest - Carpenter Apprentice Video
