Walbec Group


Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Engineering and Surveying at Walbec

As new technologies emerge, Walbec continues to search for opportunities to automate our land surveying and engineering data-gathering tasks.

Drones equipped with cameras and sensors are used to quickly and accurately map large areas of land, capturing high-resolution images with precise GPS-derived photo positions. Artificial intelligence (AI) is used to create high-resolution orthophoto mosaic images from the data for conceptual designs or exhibits. These images are helpful when processing traditional survey data to ensure the automated line connectivity and topographic feature mapping correctly depict the site conditions. Having high-quality aerial mapping saves time and minimizes the chances of having to travel back to the site to collect missing information.

Our engineering and surveying services team has applied automated data processing with machine learning algorithms to analyze and map pavement distress from orthophoto mosaics. The pavement distress data is then used by engineers to develop a pavement rating necessary to select an appropriate course of action for asphalt or concrete rehabilitation.

Robotic total stations also utilize AI to identify, lock onto and track a 360-degree prism to measure angles and distances with a single operator. Monitoring total stations are programmed to work autonomously on a fixed schedule to collect angles and distances to fixed targets. This technology is most often used for settlement monitoring for bridges, quarries, and buildings.

AI applications are rapidly advancing each year in exciting ways. The costs of automated data processing are dropping as the technology becomes more mainstream. Survey data collected using drone images is not as precise as what is collected by a land surveyor. Pavement distress mapping doesn't inform engineers of the underlying causes of distress. There will always be limitations and expert judgment required to ensure that the data acquired is dependable and accuracy standards are achieved using best practices.

The talented team throughout Walbec’s family of companies continues to seek out innovative opportunities to integrate AI to assist our team members with decisions regarding complex problems and reduce errors that have previously required human oversight and verification. Learn more about the Engineering & Surveying services Walbec has to offer, and reach out today with any questions.